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Flourite is a stone of psychic protection and mental health.
It helps your recognise and shut off negative influences of others, by allowing you to work and grow stronger within yourself.
Flourite is a stone of inner truth that promotes clear thinking and unbiased impartiality. Use it whenever you want to develop your intuition, but also concentration and objectivity.
Being a stone of harmony and acceptance, Flourite balances intellect with Spirit and imparts common sense.
Meditate with it when you’re trying to get an insight into your life’s purpose.

Flourite comes in different colours (blue, green, yellow, purple, and violet) but mostly appears in multiple colours, as a combination of at least three. This gives it a beautiful, rainbow like appearance.
Different colours can be used for different things, especially in colour healing:
• Blue promotes clear communication
• Green enhances energy and health
• Purple for meditation
• yellow for creativity

Physically Flourite can benefit teeth, bones and muscles. It is very useful in treatment of bone marrow disorders.
Use it to alleviate arthritis and rheumatism.
Flourite can strengthen the joints and spine, promoting mobility and good posture.

Flourite is also a good cleanser and is especially effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.
Keep it in your home so it’s between you and the source of magnetic pollution (TV, computer, phone, microwave..).
When worn on skin, it works on a more personal level and its effects are a lot quicker and stronger.

Flourite works with Third Eye Chakra, but can also be placed on Crown or Throat Chakra, as appropriate.
Meditate with it when you’re in need of a psychic shield or want to quickly boost your immune system.
